Oh boy, this goes back a bit. Zaenger and I met when we were 6 years old. It was my first year playing ice hockey as a lad. Zaenger and I got matched up on the same team and became childhood friends before going to high school and then Northern together.
Everyone who knows Zaenger up here knows him for his awesome name. Zaenger is named after his his mom's last name. While all of you know him as Zaenger, in high school, hardly anyone (including myself) called him that. He went by ZJ (Zaenger Joesph,) to most people.
Oh gosh, that's a tough one. We've had so many in general. I'd probably say all the times that we've played mini sticks together. Zaenger and I make up "the Dynasty," and we're rarely if not ever beaten. Mini sticks with Zaenger is always a good time.
Zaenger, I don't really know what to say. Spaghetti. You've been my best friend since I was 6, and it really is amazing to have someone like that in your life. Whenever I'm feeling down and upset, I constantly try to tell myself I have a great life, and having someone like you around for 16 years is reassurance. You're like a brother to me and I'll sure as hell miss you when I move away, but I know we'll keep in touch.