I met Cole for the first time when Zaenger invited me to a party at his house. Little did I know I would regularly be over there for the next year.
This past spring break, Cole and a group of students visited Brazil, where he studied the wildlife and the ecosystem's effect on the country.
In the summer of 2013, I came up to Marquette to visit for a few days, and I spent almost all of my time hanging out with Cole and his girlfriend Amanda. We did everything from go to the beach and playing frisbee, to eating ice cream and cooking out. It was my favorite part of that summer for sure.
Cole, you've been a great friend and an awesome roommate the past couple of years. Thank you to both you and Amanda for hanging out with me (especially during a particularly rough semester.) I'll always remember all the good times. From stupid house conversations to dominating in intramurals, glad you were there through it all.