Claire was also in my 2nd 300 level graphics class. She was the art director of the opposite group for the first project, and I'm pretty sure we got to know each other by yelling insults at each other from across the room (in good fun of course.)
Loud. Haha but I didn't think she was annoying or anything. She's just a really expressive and emotional person, so she would often get really excited over little things in class and yell a lot. Personally, I thought it was hilarious.
Energy. Claire is always so perky and energetic, and I honestly wish more people in this world were like that. She's generally a very positive person, and that tends to rub off on everyone else she's around.
Jan 24Claire, you're one of my closest graphics friends and I'm very thankful that re-taking 318 gave me the opportunity to meet awesome people like you. Thanks for all you've done for me, whether it's critiquing my work and helping make it stronger, or helping me get my job at NMU Dining, I owe you a lot. I'm sad we'll both be leaving Marquette soon, but I know you'll be killing it wherever you end up.